
Some criminals were not resigned to spend their life behind bars…

Dive into an exciting journey through an infamous side of history.

It’s amazing to see the creative plans some prisoners have plotted up in order to escape their life behind bars. But what about the ones who decided to give these plans a try?

Legendary Escapes reveals the secrets behind some of the most epic and ingenious escapes in history. Discover the adventures of those who pursued freedom with all their might…and the few who achieved it!

AdventuresEscapesImaginationOutside the LawSocial SciencesTrue StoryWit
Book parameters

Publication date: 08/10/2021

64 pages

22 x 27.5 cm | Hardcover


Foreign Rights sold: English, German, Japanese, Slovenian.

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Complete the series
Famous Robberies
The World’s Most Spectacular Heist
Grans fugues de la història
Julio Antonio Blasco i Soledad Romero Mariño
Robatoris de llegenda
Julio Antonio Blasco i Soledad Romero Mariño