You Will Never Get Anywhere

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People that achieved their dreams by ignoring the opinions of the foolish.

J.K Rowling, Albert Einstein, Lionel Messi or Lady Gaga are successful people who failed at first and had to face numerous obstacles!

The path to our dreams is riddled with obstacles, and one of the most challenging is navigating through the criticisms and skepticism of others. However, those who truly succeed are those who cling to their vision and remain steadfast in their determination, despite voices attempting to dissuade them. Historically, countless examples abound of individuals who defied expectations and achieved great things despite facing doubt. Yet, their unwavering faith in themselves and their dreams propelled them past any obstacle to success.



Famous peopleHistoryOptimismReal StoriesSociology
Book parameters

Publication date: 2025

64 pages

23.5 x 28 cm | Hardcover


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