Little kids are fascinated by the world of grown-up work. Created by the talented Japanese illustrator Mayumi Oono, the Little Professionals series takes pretend play at grown-up careers in a fun and original direction, with special interactive features included with each book.
I Am a Little Pastry Chef offers the budding baker a buffet of delectable cookies, towering cakes, and scrumptious custards, along with an envelope full of stickers shaped like cakes, cherries, strawberries and all sorts of delicious decoration. The mix of craft supplies, creativity, and imagination make the perfect recipe for tomorrow’s grown-up dessert designer.
BakerCookingCreativityDesignGame BookImaginationnoveltyProfessionsStickersPublication date: 29/10/2021
20 pages | With 2 gatefolds + case + 4 cards + 6 sticker sheets (100 stickers) + 1 envelope
21.4 x 21.4 cm | Hardcover
Foreign Rights sold: English.