All people fart sometimes, whether they live in France, the Fiji Islands or Spain. If you have a dog, you may have even been lucky to smell it farting. Intestinal gas is totally normal, and it’s very rare for farting to be a sign that something is wrong in the body.
In this new book in The Secret Life of… series, kids will learn what causes farts and burps, which elements they are made of, why they occur…
They will even get to know the most famous farts and burps in history, and how they are considered in other countries of the world.
The book includes a lot of curiosities: at what speed do farts go? Are they flammable? Why some stink of rotten eggs? How are these gases in the animal world?
AnimalsCultureFunnyGasHealthhéroesHuman BodyMedicineSciencePublication date: 07/05/2021
24 pages
25 x 27.2 cm | Hardcover
Foreign Rights sold: Arabic, Chinese comp., Chinese simp., French, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Russian, Ukrainian.