
This book tells the expedition of a scientist and mother who recently travelled with 99 other women to raise women’s voices amid the climate emergency.

In addition to raising awareness about the effects of climate change in Antarctica, this story helps break gender stereotypes linked to science and motherhood.

With the fun and colourful illustrations of Mariona Tolosa, this is the story Anna Cabré wrote to awake curiosity of the little ones for Antarctica and our planet, and to encourage them to build a better world together.

ActivismAnimalsAntarcticaClimate ChangeEnvironmentGeographyicebergsNatureOceansPenguinsReal StoriesScienceScientistsSealsSouth PoleTravelWhalesWomen in Science
Book parameters

Publication date: 15/05/2020

32 pages

30 x 20.4 cm | Hardcover


Foreign rights sold: Chinese comp., Korean, Portuguese

Información adicional


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