
This book is a surprising look at today’s big environmental issues. On each page you learn about real-life environmental monsters, from global warming to plastic soup, as well as some ways you can combat them.

The fearsome Atmosdragon is heating the planet and causing global warming, while the bright-eyed Glareworm is busy creating light pollution and the Smogosaurus is filling our air with toxic fumes. Each of these beasts is wreaking havoc on our planet and we need heroes – could you be one of them?

In all, the monsters featured in True Monsters are accompanied by a Monster Card outlining the big, bad beasts’ weaknesses and how to use each one to your advantage. Mythical monsters have always represented humanity’s greatest fears, and the environmental monsters in Planet SOS are no different. Each is paired with the mythological beast it is based on.

ActivismClimate ChangeEarthEnvironmentFlapshéroesMonstersMythologyNatural Sciences
Book parameters

Publication date: 01/11/2019

52 pages |With flaps and foldouts

24 x 30 cm | Hardcover


Foreign rights sold: Chinese simp., Basque, English, Galician, German, Greek, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Slovenian, Ukrainian.

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