
Espionage, or the act of intelligence gathering, is as old as civilisation itself.

In Ancient Rome, plain-clothes military scouts known as ‘speculatores’ infiltrated enemy territories to gather information. And in Tudor England, elite ‘spymasters’ used networks of informers to defend the interests of the crown. Espionage took on a new urgency in the 20th century, as emergent technologies and global conflicts led to the advent of complex, globally influential new spy networks. Intelligence organisations, throughout World War One, World War Two and the Cold War, deployed elite secret agents to gather intel and ultimately gain the upper hand.

Here are 12 of the most notorious spies in history, from Queen Elizabeth I’s 16th-century spymaster to the Serbian-born agent who may have inspired the character of James Bond.

AdventuresImaginationOutside the LawSocial SciencesSpiesTrue StoryWit
Book parameters

Publication date: 20/09/2023

64 pages

22 x 27.5 cm | Hardcover


Foreign rights sold: English, German.

Información adicional


Papel español, Paper català

Complete the series
Espías míticos
Soledad Romero Mariño y Julio Antonio Blasco
Legendary Escapes
The World’s Most Incredible Breakouts
Famous Robberies
The World’s Most Spectacular Heist
Grandes fugas de la historia
Julio Antonio Blasco y Soledad Romero Mariño
Robos de leyenda
Julio Antonio Blasco y Soledad Romero Mariño